Our mission to empower and uplift low-income families and young indiviiduals age 12 yrs to 20 yrs by providing them with comprehensive support that addresses their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs as well has . We are dedicated to offering spiritual coaching, medical assistance, medication support, and housing resources to ensure that these families have access to the essential elements of a stable and fulfilling life.

Through our spiritual engagment, we aim to guide and inspire individuals and families, helping them overcome personal challenges, find inner strength, and foster a sense of purpose and resilience. We believe that by nourishing their spiritual well-being, we can empower them to transform their lives and break free from the cycle of poverty. Offering a safe place and space for those that face challanging situations.

Our goal is to create a transformative experience that encourages self-discovery, mindfulness, and compassion, ultimately equipping our campers with the tools they need to navigate life with authenticity and purpose.

Spiritual Camp/Retreat

Young Indiviuals ages 12 years old to 18 years old

Coming Soon!


The Spruengli Foundation LLC

Non-Profit Organization
Dedicated to  Mary W. Spruengli, Thomas W. Spruengli, and
Blanche Spruengli

PO Box 249 Blachester, Ohio 45107  

For more Information

Please Call  ‪(937) 369-0157‬

Please Sign Guestbook

New Release: Children's Book

Little Light's Quest for Spirituality

The story unfolds as Little Light sets out on an adventure to uncover the essence of spirituality. Along the way, Little Light meets various characters like the wise old Oak, the joyful Brook, and the nurturing Sun, each contributing a piece to the puzzle of spirituality.


Little Light's Quest for Spirituality


Meditate With Me: Children's Book On Mindfulness and Well-being

Donations Now Accepted!